The Partnerships

The Partnerships are 12-month memberships that bring allocators, consultants, and asset managers together at a series of small, high-level events called Retreats. Partnership Retreats offer a unique balance between highly curated, industry-leading investment content and special experiential networking activities in which to cultivate meaningful and long-lasting relationships.

Developed by a team with decades of combined experience addressing the evolving needs of the asset management industry, the Partnerships provide its members with access and engagement to the right people, at the right time, in the right setting.

The Partnerships offer education and access to thought leaders and practitioners in both the Institutional and the Private Wealth channels through five distinct memberships:

  • The U.S. Institutional Partnership
  • The Partnership – Wealth
  • The Partnership – Next Generation
  • The Partnership – Europe
  • The Partnership – Middle East

The U.S. Institutional Partnership

Thoughtful and innovative in their design, the U.S. Partnership brings senior members of asset management business development teams together with 300+ senior decision-makers from preeminent institutional organizations and consultants at four annual Retreats. Our programs are designed with cutting-edge investment content at the core, but also with the belief that experiences – and not just shoulder-to-shoulder stadium seating in hotel ballrooms – are the key to forging lasting relationships with clients and prospects.

Recognizing that it’s more effective and efficient to build relationships in smaller, targeted groups, we limit the number of asset managers that can participate in the Partnership. As a result, our Retreats offer an especially attractive ratio between institutions and managers.

The Partnership – Wealth

For many asset managers, the greatest single alternative investment fundraising opportunity of the next five years lies squarely in one space: private wealth. It is, however, a space that many institutionally-focused managers find infuriatingly difficult to navigate, access, and succeed in.

The Wealth Partnership brings senior members of asset management business development teams together with senior decision makers (CIOs and heads of Research and Manager Selection) from large, institutionally-minded RIAs, MFOs and consultants in the private wealth space at three annual Retreats.

The Partnership – Next Generation

Forward-thinking in its design, the Next Generation Partnership is an innovative offering which brings ascendent professionals from asset management business development teams and institutional allocator organizations together at three annual Retreats. Through case studies, mentoring, and bespoke experiences that cultivate organic networking, our Retreats provide up-and-coming fundraisers access to a whole network of clients and prospects that will benefit your firm for years to come.

The Partnership – Europe

One continent, many nuances: the European fundraising landscape, as always, remains a complex mix of regulations, languages, personalities, and portfolio constructs. The Partnerships are here to help you navigate it by bringing together senior allocators and advisers across Europe, including pension funds, insurance firms, consultants and family offices.

Over the course of three annual Retreats, as a member, your firm will have access to keynote sessions, tailored breakouts, and experiential networking, allowing you to develop new and deeper relationships with like minded stakeholders and walk away with tangible action points for your portfolio. Each Retreat has been curated following  in-depth research, allowing us to  deliver topical content using our understanding of the market challenges faced by allocators.

The Partnership – Middle East

For asset management distribution professionals, few regions are currently as essential – and, at the same time, as difficult to navigate – as the Middle East. The Partnerships is here to help.

Through participation at three annual Retreats throughout the region, you’ll be connected with senior-level decision-makers from pre-eminent institutions, family offices, and sovereign wealth funds. The one-day Retreats will offer a balance of content and activity-based networking activities, allowing attendees to build relationships in a more organic way.

Thank you for your interest in The Partnerships.

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